Friday, July 22, 2011

Eat, play, sleep

This is a routine explained to us by our well-meaning lactation consultant, who advised us to start little J on such during the day. Well, probably for the ideal textbook baby, but, for our little one, nah. She's too atas for such routine. She has an additional portion - cry, which takes up nearly 80% of her waking hours. And the only way to pacify her, is to have the boobs on 24/7 standby.

It is indeed amazing how one can survive with so little, and so interrupted a night's sleep. I remember cowering in fear, trepidation and exhaustion in the first few days of her life that, I would be subject to such intermittent feeding hours throughout the nights to satisfy her Royal Highness for a long time to come. When would it end? How can I ever imagine getting accustomed to it? The promise of better days seemed too far to imagine arriving.

I have no idea since when, my body started adapting to its biological clock of waking in the wee hours of the day even without her Royal Highness escalating her soprano voice. It is admittedly due to tearing boobs at times, but otherwise, I find myself checking the clock at unearthly hours half in expectation of her Highness' call.

Alas, after 2.5 months, there's still no sign of her Highness showing any signs of adapting to an eat, play, sleep routine. We give thanks in little blessings of, diminished cryings, prolonged sleep periods, and the amazement in being able to put her to sleep in a rocker chair without latching.

Better days are coming. Facial coming, massage coming, manicure coming, haircut coming......

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