Monday, August 27, 2012

Occupation: Mum

There have been many bouts of insecurities and dullness in my career span as an SAHM. I liken it to any other jobs out there, complete with the highs and lows of it all. I recently came to an even greater realisation that, I decided to be a stay home mum because like any one out there who chooses to do a certain job, I believe I am much better at being a mother than I ever would be at any other job.

Most people probably fall in the range of either thinking:
1) I'm a "waste of cerebral evolution" as Jodi Picoult writes in one of her books, or
2) I'm enjoying life as a tai-tai, not needing to work.

I'm not sure which thinking is more complimentary or palatable, though neither is the situation that I'm in. It's definitely not a waste since I'm putting my talent where (I think) it's being maximised, and if I'm a tai-tai, I'm definitely lacking in keeping up appearances there.

And yes, part of my job scope includes sweeping and mopping the floors, doing laundry and dishes, ironing, tidying up toys and whatever you find around the house. I am fortunate that my part time colleague who holds a full time job helps with the cooking (whenever we do cook) and cleaning the toilet. My job title says "Mum", which means there are the peripherals that I need to take on as part of the work, but my main focus is on being a Mum. Not a housewife, not "unemployed", most certainly not a tai-tai.

The greatest satisfaction I derive from my job is to be able to look at my product/client everyday, and have yet to not be amazed by how much she has grown, and how perfect she will always be in my eyes. How 2 persons can conjure up another being, and how this being is in me one moment, outside of me the next, and before I know it, calling me "Mummy, mummy, mummy" over and over (because she couldn't push the toilet door open and panicked). And for a long time to come.

And how at times she needs me to hug her off to sleep, or insist that I feed her her porridge or wear her shoe for her. Or distributing cereal from the high chair for Wawa to come lick it up. (Wawa is never at our home!!!). Insisting on "(s)oup, (s)oup" at every meal. Refusing to be carried because she wants to "wok-wok", yet wanting to "bao-bao" after just 5 steps.

Maybe not all of us understand such amazement and fulfillment. Well, I don't know about all the other jobs out there, but none I've held had given me such job satisfaction to date.

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