Tuesday, April 10, 2012

This is what a stay-at-home mum blogs about

Read an article online today about what a stay-home-mom does all day. So apt! Really, before I became a mom myself, I often wondered what I'll do and how bored I will be if I do make the decision to stay home with my kids. Now I know better.

My little baby will officially be a toddler in less than a month's time. I occasionally like to recall situations and thoughts of the exact same time the year before, as if to capture whatever memories of those significant times before it all gets buried in the depths of my brains. And I am pretty sure I will be reliving the hours of pre-labour and labour itself come the wee hours of 7 May 2012.

As my little XX (or J as some prefers) approaches toddlerhood, life is beginning to find its balance. She still is a difficult one no doubt, but the decision to stay home is something I had never found myself regretting as time goes by. In spite of her temperament, she is at the age where she easily smiles, acquires peculiar antics (shaking her head left and right, and she does wonderful little actions with her hands and feet), act demure and shy with strangers, props one leg up onto the high chair tray, and turns towards the direction of the driver's seat when prompted with 'Where's Daddy?" Even to the point of reading her gek sai 'it's time to poo poo' bin makes everything worth the while. It's a time of my life AND her life that nothing can exchange for.

So, economically I'm really not productive. Zero. Not worth a cent. I'm staying home to be a caregiver and housewife, and it's really not going to value add to my resume when I do return to the workforce one day. But really, my life has never felt more value than I've experienced when I was an employee. I'm busy everyday getting to know my kid, catering to her needs, and loving her.

Like the author of the article says, "I love my kid(s), and I am so happy. Also, I am very busy." Yup, I am very busy!

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